A Multipurpose Tool for Mission

A multipurpose tool combines screwdriver, blade, and pliers to do many things well. Gospel recordings are also multipurpose tools which effectively makes disciples and expand God’s kingdom in various ways. Recordings use people’s… Read more

It Takes a Team to Make Recordings

Recordists are the heart of making gospel recordings. Some are a “jack of all trades” who handle everything from scripts to digital recorders to partnering with local Christians. Others …. Read more

A Recordist in Training

Take a glimpse at what a week of training might look like for someone learning how to tell the story of Jesus through becoming a recordist with Global Recordings Network.

Deb’s Story

Listen to Deb tell what it was like for her and teammate, Pam, to be a recording team in Papua New Guinea.

Recording in East Africa

Joel Juedes never saw himself going to Africa to record the story of Jesus, but God had other plans. “Reading takes skill,” Joel says, “but a recording comes alive right… Read more

Missionary Spotlight: Ed Young

This was a whole new concept in the mission world, I believe, to work with local speakers. With a Native American speaker, they had a reason to consider trusting the… Read more

Nothing Short of a Godsend

Global Recordings Network’s (GRN) Saber players, digital hand-crank audio players, work as a perfect supplement to Ethnos Canada’s teaching of the gospel. The Simba are finally hearing the message of… Read more