The heart and soul of our ministry are audio recordings that tell the story of Jesus. To date, our global network has recorded Bible stories and evangelical messages in more than 6,700 languages and dialects.
These recordings tell the story of Jesus Christ and are distributed around the world to people who cannot read or, in some cases, may not have a written language. For these oral communicators, our recordings are essential tools to access the truths of God’s Word.
How do I get your recordings? 
5fish is the easiest way to listen to, download, or share any of our recordings, available on the website and as the free phone app. Website
On the website, you can search our digital archive of recordings by language, country, location names, programs, tracks, or more.
5fish App
5fish is the free mobile phone app that contains links to recorded Bible stories and evangelical messages in over 6,700 languages for you to share with others or listen to yourself.
Watch a video on how to use the 5fish app on a mobile phone.
Download the 5fish app onto your mobile phone:
For most languages, we also provide links to other audio and visual evangelism resources that may be helpful to you if you are involved in ministry or mission trips.
Video about the 5fish app:
The GRN MapApp – search it, see it, use it.
Global Recordings Network (GRN) recently introduced their new MapApp. It pinpoints over 14,000 language varieties worldwide. Twelve layers show audio, video, and printed Christian resources, neediest languages, and refugee camps. A window shows information about each language plus links to further information. Users can create customized reports of languages and resources.
Click this link to open the GRN MapApp:
GRN Books – Read them online by clicking here. 
Click Here to purchase materials
Please contact order department for availability and pricing before purchasing the materials.
For prices and to order products below, see the USA Price List on the GRN international website:
To support the distribution of our recordings and assist with worldwide evangelism and discipleship efforts, Global Recordings Network also offers devices and other products to ministry organizations, missionaries, churches, and other volunteers.
Our devices can be configured to meet your specific ministry needs. We encourage you to contact us below to discuss how we can serve you and your ministry best.
An audio device can be loaded with a variety of audio material to use for evangelism and discipleship.
Do you want to tell the story of Jesus in every language? We look forward to discussing with you how we can configure our devices to best serve your unique ministry needs. Email us at, or phone us at our orders number, 520-989-3323 to get started.
SD Cards, Micro SD Cards, & Flash Drives
Today, cell phones have reached many of the least-developed and poorest areas of the world. Many of these phones are equipped with SD cards. Global Recordings Network can load multiple recordings on one card or flash drive. These technologies are one of the easiest ways to bring the story of Christ into closed countries or to share with those without Internet access.
Picture Materials
Global Recordings Network offers pocket booklets, books and flip charts that feature culturally appropriate visuals to complement the Good News, and the Look, Listen and Live audio recording series. There are some of the same visuals for The Living Christ series of 120 pictures from the Life of Christ. These visual tools, combined with our audio recordings, are an effective tool on the mission field. All of these three series of pictures are on a Bible Picture Clipart CD that can be used to print off the images.
Click to play VIDEO, “What are Bible-based Bridge Materials?“
One way to share our recordings is on a CD. We can burn and label CDs from our archive; more than 90% of the recordings we have completed for more than 6,500 languages and dialects are available.
Information About Players
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Please contact order department for availability and pricing before purchasing the materials.