
Since the Lord called me back to the mission of unrecorded languages there have been a few bends in the road that required a reset.

The Hunt

Little by little, with time we climb the hill.

Bit by Bit

Little by little, with time we climb the hill.

The Emptying

Jesus is Lord of all or He is not Lord at all.

Back to the Crib

Language learning is a humbling process. …. I don’t think there is a proud way to enter a new language.

Truly Sustainable Service

I believe that this emptying mindset is Christ’s. I believe that is an emptiness that God will fill.

The Mountain Taker

Christ has given us a command and a promise that will not be realized without fearless and persistent obedience.

Give Me That Mountain

I have defended giving language status to every language that is still spoken by a viable community.