Together in Prayer – February, 2020

Dear friend,

At the start of a new year and a new decade, GRN desires to lay all its plans and agendas at the feet of Jesus. We want his mission to be our mission, and his work to be our work. We want the Holy Spirit to break us and fill us so that our lives are usable for all he wants to accomplish through GRN in 2020.

The Global Recordings USA Team

Click here for the February, 2020, Prayer Guide

Go here to pray for current staff

1  Future for GRN USA office: Please pray for guidance and wisdom for the teams planning for the future relocation of the Temecula office. The current office building has a buyer and we need to know God’s will for the future location.

2  Partnership with MegaVoice: Ask God to increase GRN’s partnership with MegaVoice. Pray this will result in many more mp3 audio players being given to people around the world who still need to hear the gospel.

3  Training recordists: Recordist Training Coordinator, Jon Rulison, asks prayer for wisdom to determine future steps for training. The goal for a great increase in people wanting to be recordists will put extra demands on the training team.

4  GRN cannot function without prayer: GRN is a spiritual work and cannot function without prayer. Therefore, ask God to greatly enlarge GRN’s prayer base by adding more prayer warriors in every country where GRN has a work. Pray that the recruitment of prayer warriors will be a GRN priority.

5  Vigilant against potential cyber attacks: GRN needs to be constantly vigilant against cyber attacks that could seriously harm the work. Pray for the GRN IT people and their efforts to provide secure systems.

6  Praying scripture for the Bauchi: Wayam people of Nigeria: “He (Christ) died for the Bauchi: Wayam people so that those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” 2 Cor 5:16 (NLT)

7  Brazil leadership transition:  Dionara Pires has recently been appointed Center Leader of GRN Brazil. She is in Thailand for a few months working on her English. Pray for a smooth transition as this leadership change takes place.

8  Tech team: Info Systems Coordinator, Rob McDonell, says, “The needs of the mission are far and away beyond the ability of the Tech team to accomplish.” Pray for wisdom to know the Lord’s priorities for future needs.

9  Culiacan Project 2020:  Pray for God’s anointing on the Culiacan Project 2020 in Mexico from Jan 12-Feb 15. Pray for safety of team members as violence in Mexico from drug cartels has escalated in recent years. Pray the violence will not hinder fruitful ministry.

10  Marc and Diane Guiett: Pray for blessings of health and strength for Marc and Diane as they serve from their home in Gallup, NM.

11  IT team: Kevin and Doug are thankful for the help of regular volunteers and an intern who give their services to help with computer needs. Pray for wisdom to meet future challenges.

12  The Nyaw people of Thailand: The GRN team in Thailand is seeking the Lord’s guidance as they reach out to distribute gospel recordings on mp3 players to the Nyaw people group. Ask God to direct their visit to the Nyaw people sometime this year.

13  51 languages of China: GRN’s Good News audiovisual program has been distributed in many of the 51 languages we have available in China. Although these recordings are just a drop in the bucket relative to the size of China, ask God to take these “loaves and fishes” and feed a multitude.

14  The Ainu people of China: This is a nomadic group that is difficult to reach. They need to hear the gospel. Pray that God will direct a recording team to record the gospel story for these people and that they will respond to it with repentant hearts.

15  GRN Europe is looking for a Leader: Europe is still looking for a European Regional Director. Ask God to soon reveal the one he has chosen for this strategic role.

16  International partnerships: GRN leaders are learning the importance of working with like-minded organizations  as we pursue our ministry vision.  The Asian team is developing a Memorandum of Understanding with ‘Bibles for Asia’. Pray for similar partnerships in other areas.

17  Mexico follow-up: Pray for the groups that will continue the work started at this year’s Culiacan outreach. As our teams return home, others stay to continue discipleship efforts.

18  Annual Corporation Meeting: Pray for our leaders, our Board of Directors and all the corporation members as we meet later this week (Thursday) to praise God for the 80 years of ministry and to seek him for the future plans.

19  Accounting team: Ralph is thankful for his assistant, Vicky, and part-time helpers, Stella and Nenet. Pray for  more regular volunteers to assist.

20  Ross and Jan Lange:  On Dec. 29 we celebrated our 55th anniversary. One of our caregivers asked Ross what was the secret – Ross said we like each other. Remember that the most important thing in life is your relationship to God – get and keep a good relationship always with Him – very important for here and eternity.”.

21  Praying Scripture: May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us — so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Psa. 67:1,2 (NIV)

22  Media team: David does a wonderful job with our publications and mailings, and is thankful for volunteer help from Nathaniel Loper. Pray for more gifted workers for this department.

23  Production team: Pray for more orders; pray for wisdom in our pursuit of just the right players and media format to provide for our users; thank God for thousands of hours of recorded messages distributed through the internet.

24  Engaging the local church:  Pray that GRN will place a strong emphasis on engaging the local church in mission. Building relationships is essential. Pray for retiring pastors to become Partnership Coordinators.

25  Training recordists: Pray for additional recordists from Mexico and their training in the near future. There a number of possible recordists coming out of the Culiacan outreach.

26  Roland Heck: Roland serves as our USA Mobilizer. He promotes and publicizes the mission and its vision to individuals, churches and organizations. His wife Kieng is facing serious health issues. Pray for them.

27  Ed  and Judy Young: Pray for Ed and Judy. Her mother passed into glory on Jan.5, leaving them with much to do regarding her estate. May God grant comfort and guidance.

28  Maritza Young: My greatest desire is to be an instrument in the hands of our Lord in the noble purposes to expand His kingdom. It is a joy to be able to continue even though most of my work is done behind the scenes.”

29  Recordist training: Planning is underway for a recordist update training course to be held in Brazil this July. Pray for the preparation, assistant trainers, the trainees, and God’s direction for every situation.