Blog 34 / Our High Calling

Feasting and Fasting

So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. (Daniel 9:3 NIV)

There are several things that increase our effectiveness in prayer: faith that believes God will do all He has promised; a spirit of praise that blesses God and inhibits the work of the enemy; and a holy life through which God can work unhindered. Imagine how formidable a prayer warrior with such qualities will be to our enemy.

Another component that will make the prayer warrior even more daunting to the enemy is fasting. Why fasting? Fasting allows us to focus more time and energy on prayer. It indicates a willingness to go through some self-denial to advance the kingdom of God. And Jesus told us that some spiritual battles can only be won by a combination of prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29 KJV).

There are times in our lives for both feasting and fasting. We need to take time to celebrate joyous occasions like birthdays and anniversaries with special meals. We celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving with much feasting and making merry. Feasting lends itself to remembering God’s many blessings to us.

Feasting however doesn’t lend itself to times of somber reflection and serious prayer as does fasting. It is those times when we deny ourselves food that we find the heart and strength to pray with intensity.

Generally, fasting is voluntary, unlike prayer, where many times we are commanded to pray. But the Bible assumes we will fast because Matthew 6:16 talks about when we fast, not if we fast. Fasting has been practiced by God’s people throughout the ages and is often associated with sorrow over sin, times of national crisis, the need for revival, and times when special guidance or wisdom is needed. It is also used in preparation for missionary work.

Scripture doesn’t mandate how often or how long we should fast. It is something we do at God’s prompting. Those with health restrictions may need to forgo other necessities instead of food. The thing is that we should fast in secret (except for times of corporate fasting) so as not to show off our “spirituality” (Matt 6:16-18).

Fasting is hard on the flesh so it is usually easier not to do it. True fasting can only be done in our Lord’s strength and not our own. We should never be legalistic about fasting or think of it as a duty. It is something we do freely out of love for our Lord. And out of a desire to be a more formidable prayer warrior in the battle to see Christ exalted and adored by all peoples.


Colin Stott
GRN Global Prayer Coordinator

read colin’s previous blogs:
why ask for what we already have? – blog 32
is anyone praying for them? – blog 31
delays are part of answered prayer – blog 30
weapons of our warfare – blog 29
Keeping our spiritual fervor – blog 28
days of great harvest – blog 27
not i but christ – blog 26
what if – Blog 25
praying scripture – Blog 24
Prayer and obedience -Blog 23
the Prayer warrior – Blog 22
time alone with god – Blog 21
last resort – Blog 20
Prayer with rejoicing faith – Blog 19
travel the world through Prayer – Blog 18
lord, break me – Blog 17
ye have not because ye ask not – Blog 16
our Prayers reveal our heart – Blog 15
church of the living god – Blog 14
when we Pray for the lost – Blog 13
more than meets the eye – Blog 12
sugar cubes and  Prayer – Blog 11
it’s a wonderful life – Blog 10
the longings of god – Blog 9
praising god before he answers – Blog 8
no place like home – Blog 7
praying for god’s glory – Blog 6
are we known as formidable opponents – Blog 5
sugar cubes and Prayer – Blog 4
rejocing over god with singing – Blog 3
the indispensable Prayers of the church – Blog 2
the glorious end – Blog 1