Roland & Irene King

Order Department Consultant/Administrative Assistant

Temecula, CA
How Roland and Irene Serve with Global Recordings Network

Roland and Irene have been on the staff of GRN since September 1, 1977, and have filled many positions over the years. Irene has served as Executive Assistant to the Director and as general office assistant. Currently she has a variety of assignments for the USA office. One responsibility that is her greatest joy is compiling the prayer requests for the Together in Prayer daily prayer guide, sent out monthly. She has a passion for prayer and feels that working on the prayer guide helps her really feel connected to the Global Recordings Network workers world-wide, and also to the prayer partners who receive the prayer guide. Roland maintains a shipping depot from their home in Temecula, CA, and consults regularly with the Shipping Department in Arizona.

On Faith, Family, & Background

Roland and Irene came to faith in 1966 under the ministry of the local Baptist church they attended. In 1976 Roland, Irene, and their four children visited Gospel Recordings, then located in Los Angeles, while on vacation. After returning home to Kansas City, KS, the Lord really impressed them both with the calling to serve full-time at what became Global Recordings Network. They sold their home in Kansas City, packed up their belongings and four children, and moved to Los Angeles; thus beginning their journey of faith and service in 1977.

Irene and Roland have four adult children and five grandchildren and live in Temecula, CA.